Sunday, October 3, 2010

Blog Assignment # 6

 This is a video based on the idea of a 21st century student. This student is a student of connectivism which is a theory that learning occurs as part of a social network of many diverse connections and ties. Connectivism is made possible throught tools of technology and the tools are not nearly as important as connections made by them. 
As of right now, I personally do not think I am prepared to be a teacher of a networked student. I wouldn't be able to help my students in the process of learning how to benefit from technology and use it to build their future. I liked the response the video gave to the question "Why does the networked student even need a teacher?". 
I liked it because I feel like the reason the majority of teachers do not use technology in their classroom, or want to learn how to use it, is because they view technology as trying to replace them all together. This is not true. I also had this point of view until this course where I have realized that teachers are not going anywhere. We are the ones who will guide these students in learning how to benefit form technology. We are the ones who will be there to offer guidance when they get stuck. It's our responsibility, as educators, to ensure that our students are as prepared as possible for their future. What better way to do that than to teach them how to use a tool they will always have? Technology.


This girl blew me away. My PLE is nothing compared to hers, but I hope I can eventually have a PLN that I can benefit from as much as she has. It's also very encouraging that she is still pretty young and can already use technology in such a positive way. I can't wait until my PLN is developed enough to be able to help me this way.

"The Machine Is Changing Us" by: Michael Wesch
 I found this video very interesting. It gave me a very different perspective as to what extent media connects us, and has also given us a completely new way to communicate and be accepted.


  1. I too was blown away by how much this student new about is amazing how much kids enjoy taking advantage of the technology they have today. I love what you have said about teachers and how they are not going to go anywhere and they will be used to guide, what a great point!

  2. You write that you do not think you are ready to be a networked teacher. What is necessary to get you ready? That's what i want you to be.

    Blown away? So how is your PLN coming along?

    Very brief comment on The Machine is Changing Us. I will have a lengthy comment on the class blog soon regarding this video.
